Sunday, October 24, 2010

I Finally Graduated

After operating an Icom IC-706MKIIG for the past 10 years or so, I was finally able to make the giant leap to a full-featured radio that is top of the line in many regards. My station is now equipped with a Yaesu FT-1000MP Mark-V Field transceiver. This radio has awesome features, 2 VFO's, numerous add-on filters, and plugs into the wall; no external power supply needed. I couldn't be happier with my new rig.

Since I primarily work DX, when most contacts consist of call sign exchange and signal report, I chose to also equip my station with a MicroHam Digi Keyer. DX stations have a habit of sending code at 20-25 WPM, and contacting a DX station with an incorrectly sent call sign could spell disaster.

With the Digi Keyer, I can send my call and his signal report using perfect CW without botching the sought after opportunity. I tried using my Bencher paddles, and was mostly succesful, but periodically, I would mess up my call sign, and have to void the contact.

In the area of antennas, I am still operating on a shoe string, but no complaints. My yard consists mostly of tall hardwoods that leave little room for a worthwhile beam, unless it was on at least a 70 foot tower. So, I have a 12/10 meter dipole at 30 feet, and an 80/40 two-band dipole at 55 feet for everything else. I use a tuner for both dipoles, which serve their purpose quite well. In just the past month, I have worked 72 countries using 100 watts and my dipoles. Many thanks to AA4U for helping me.

Here's a snapshot of my new QSL card I use for my eQSL's.

After 34 years of hamming, I finally have a nice station, decent antennas, and if I am patient, I can work most DX stations. Life is good!

Michael Carroll N4MC

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