Friday, October 29, 2010

End Of Liberty Documentary

The National Inflation Association, which I regard as very reliable and accurate, will release a new documentary film, "End of Liberty", in the coming days.  NIA was kind enough to give us a preview of their new documentary's content shown in this trailer released by NIA. I urge everyone to view this trailer and the full-length documentary when it is released. You can sign up for NIA's email announcements, which is a good way to stay on top of accurate inflation, commodities, and fiscal data.

I have completely abandoned the notion that the big 'news' outlets provide me relevant information that can help me figure out what is really going on in our country and what I need to do prepare for the coming disaster(s). In fact, the major news outlets, those on the left or the right, are systematically brainwashing us by feeding us only those things we 'need' to know, and in a manner that sustains our fairy tale world.

On the left, you will find a list of web links that I use to learn what's really going on in our country. More importantly, the information and opinions I learn from these selected websites and blogs helps me prepare for what lies ahead. When a politician speaks, I know that his intent is to better his position and his power, and not to offer me help or information. The very nature of politics contradicts common sense and meaningful representation of constituents.

Michael Carroll N4MC

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